Latest server updates.
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Latest server updates.
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I have made a clone of the server after the full render/pre-generation, i will test this current world for approx 12-16hrs (If i spot no issues then we will go fully live with the server) Don't worry though use can still freely going about your merry ways with exploring etc with any issues. As always i am only human and there is only so many things i can do at any given time. (PlayerVaults seem to be fine) Inventories i think i need to wait until a player is online before i can see your last-saved inventory (don't worry i put them in a shulkerbox just incase) so this should be easily dealt with. New Map can be found by clicking on this link NEW END DIMENSION see more by clicking on this link i recommend giving this a good read as it's a long to take in, and i do not have all the answers, what i can tell you is the stronghold is a brutal place to find and the end island is full of phantoms as well as the dragon so GOOD LUCK? (NO PUBLIC XP farm as of yet)
Removed "More Foods" for the time being as it's constantly duplicating items and there is no way to stop it, until the dev fixes it.
You may notice use still have your sethomes ( THESE need to be removed by yourself) do not attempt to goto these homes as they do not exist and if you die in the process then that is truly on you) So to repeat myself remove your homes As a note of caution i may still make changes to further help the server but as always i will provide full disclosure on changes. If use find something wrong or seems out of place please let me know.
I am hoping to have the server full live by tomorrow afternoon at some point after i do some more testing.
Sadly it appears we're now having more issues surrounding the server (and i am still no longer close to solving out it's issue. Currently the server (console) has been error free for well over 24hrs, which in turn usually means that is a good thing. Sadly though in the early morning TheToxicBigFoot after spending many hours re-creating what was loss due to the 10 day roll back, noticed all his efforts had been removed without any knowledge (after checking the logs, and even attempting a rollback via coreprotect we were unsuccessful) This is a new type of issue that i have never witnessed before since playing in 1.7.9 The server as it stands is currently sucking the life and motivation out of me as i cannot diagnose and fix the issue when we have nothing to go on so i have now made the decision going forward to protect the server we will need to start fresh on a new map. DONT PANIC i have at least some good news going forward.
What happens Now? Option A: All users are encouraged to get there precious items, tools & weapons and put them directly in there "/pv 1" this will allow ease of transfer to new server Option B: All users can fill there inventories up and find a way to kill yourself (without using lava) ideally do it in your base so it can auto-save your inventory. Server will remain online and users can still freely access the server, as with the previous update from a few days, YES i have the schematics of hopefully majority of users homes (and Sky Bases) which i can easily paste back into the new map (With that being said i am only human and there is a slight possibility i may of missed a few places) I can only apologize for this continuous headache we've been experiencing the last three to four days, but believe me i have tried my hardest to fix the problems to no avail. SO WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN GOING FORWARD???
New Server Progress Step A: Currently pre-generating the world chunks to ensure smooth transition when exploring the world and/or using /rtp (Generation is currently sitting at 15% - and is expected it will take another 6-12hrs to complete) Step B: Render dynmap upon completion of Step A (This may also take a few hours) Step C: Transfer all plugins across to the new server and do a quick test to ensure everything is working as intended Addition Information - Backups of the server are going be made more frequent to avoid loss of builds (so hopefully instead of 2 backups per day) i am aiming to have backups every 2-3hrs (this way it's more containable incase of errors. - I will also be enabling auto-save inventories upon death for a little while until we can fully confirm server is working as intended. - There will be no spawn to begin with but i will place few signs to say "/rtp to explore" Hopefully with everything the above the server will start playing nice and we can continue on as normal with our Minecraft exploration and creativity. Another update will follow upon completion of rendering. And once again i can only apologize for the last few days we've been experiencing.
After approx 10-11 hours of extensive testing and bug finding, the issue that we were facing has now been resolved for the time being. Server will be monitored over the next 24hours to ensure nothing else spits out. Sadly this backup is from 10 days ago, so all progress between then and now has been lost. (I have been able to restore some builds (dafiendmaker/ripper1213) in region 4-3 (next to the town Lil Seoul) I have placed a compensation box in the following locations SkyBase - MrIBS, Charlie, Olivia LilSeoul (Town) - TheToxicBigFoot, Trupolar Ripper1213 (your house) DaFiendMaker (your house) Your last previous inventory has also been lost, hence the reasoning for the compensation box, as i said before this issue is out of my hands and nothing i can do about it to retrieve loss of items, to help further prevent this, i highly recommend you start using your /pv 1 (6 rows) as a backup measure so incase of another failure your items will be always safeguarded. I have did my best to restore the areas use commonly play in back to there original state.
Unfortunately due to the server continuously crashing this evening, and with nothing to go on by within the crash logs. I have tried my best to find a possible solution with tweaks to see if that helps the server and sadly, the end result is the exact same. To protect the server (and of course your precious bases etc) I have had to put in a backup from (2 days ago) as this backup was last taken (21/10/2022 - @ 5am gmt) What does that mean? - Any progress you've made on the server between the above and now has been lost and there is no way for us to recover it. This crash is out of my control and sadly it's a one in a blue moon moment. Fingers crossed this solves the issue, Just for safe keeping, i will try to get to your bases and create a schematic (and also backup your region file.mca files - you can see this by pressing F3 and looking for #.#.mca region file) If the issue continues to persist and remains at critical level then i may be forced to take drastic action, however that will only be a last resort. We've also changed our backups to be daily so not to lose as much progress.
I am please to say that we now have a wide range of custom enchantments & books more information will be found here (For the time being it's not possible to get these books from villagers, but i am actively working on that) This will provide users with even more things to do and achieve in the server. With regards to Slimefun (As we haven't really got into it yet, I have disabled a few plugins for the time being) i need to collectively go through these addons bit by bit to see what benefits the server for the better. I am trying to improve the server in anyway i can to better your user experience, whilst it isn't the finished article (and i am the only one actively working on it as much as possible) so your support, suggestions, ideas, feedback helps with this. Enjoy the enchantments ps: i have added even more CRAFTING RECIPES you can find these in the vanilla workbench
NEW PLUGINS - SLIMEFUN ADDONS - Supreme - More information - SFChunkInfo - More Information - Networks - More Information - CrystameHistoria - More Information - SlimeTinker - More Information - AlchimiaVitae - More Information - SimpleUtils - More Information There is now a grand total of 359 Researches, 549 Slimefun Items & 2616 items in addons for you to achieve. NEW ADVANCEMENTS FOR TERRALITH - 26 new advancements added - Some will be for finding a specific biome and or require to find every biome - You can now get a stack of deepslate emerald ore for the "Oresome" advancement NEW DATAPACKS ADDED - **hopobettermineshaft - More Information - **hopobetterunderwaterruins - More information - **universal-ctov - More information As the world is already pre-generated via a datapack, and not through the usual means. These datapacks whilst installed will not take effect until i pre-generate new chunks within the world. Currently i am awaiting feedback from devs if it is safe to remove region files, or expand into new lands Some requested packs cannot be installed due to varying reasons such as incompatible and/or require a resource pack which in turn is something i don't want to get involved with just yet. However i am open to custom textures in the future (but this would require help from others for achieving)
Server has been fully updated to latest .jar files. NEW PLUGIN - Exotic Garden This plugin adds in new content such as new trees, bushes, food (massive list), and some miscellaneous items in total there is an additional 100+ new items to the game. You will need to use XP to unlock the required items in order to obtain them. please note plants are fully disabled due to a duplication glitch that the developers cannotfigure out on how to fix "SEE HERE FOR THE ISSUE" for further information on this plugin "CLICK HERE" Once i have spare time, i will add the recipes and relevant information to the wiki for ease of access. (If anyone grabs some nice screenshots using this feature, please press F1, then F2 to grab screenshot as a wallpaper so we can use for our wiki and advertising etc
VOTING FOR SERVER - Plugin has now been reconfigured and users can now freely vote on the following sites https://minecraft-server-list.com/server/486841/vote/ https://minecraftservers.org/vote/320843 https://minecraft-server.net/vote/EKTnoxidevad/ https://topmcservers.com/server/1266/vote https://minecraft-mp.com/server/310235/vote/ https://minecraft.buzz/vote/4659 By voting for us on the above link, you will help our server move up the ladder system with the hope of attracting new players to the server and being more active. Voting Rewards - Every vote gets you £100 in-game money (so £600 if voted on all sites) - You will also receive a "Vote Key" these can be used at spawn at the vote crate There is other crates i am working on, however for the time being only Vote Crate will be accessible until i have completed the rest. Users can also see who won which item(s) by looking in the #crates channel TIP 1) Due to how voting works with the service sites, Users who share the same IP address can only vote once per 15-24hrs on each link which means only one user can vote from that IP - To get around this (You may be able to vote via your mobile or vpn) if the service sites allows it. 2) Make sure you have enough inventory slots available prior to opening the crates, otherwise items may not be given and/or may be dropped where you stand. We will not replace any key/item regardless.
Server was experiencing major issues for a good few hours (sadly myself was at work all day, and Goku was on family duties) whilst you may not of noticed/experienced any major dip in performance or stability, the console was being heavily spammed (and also being rate limited) After soul searching for around 60 minutes i think i may of finally solved the issue and hopefully that puts the issue to bed. I won't go into to much detail about the issue as it's not a player affecting issue. We will continue to monitor the situation and if the issue arises again then we will need to lockdown server to further diagnose the problem. Happy crafting
1.19.2 UPDATE - Server has now been fully updated and re-worked more information here - Ranks have been re-worked and detailed guide added check here (Stone is the default rank, and for the time being no user can be promoted, until i finish the rest of the ranks)
How to join the server Java: 1.19.2 - Join us @ play.1blockoff.com We do not accept Bedrock clients.
Plugins Removed - ChestProtect (Owned by Lands so F HIM) - InvUnload - Lands (F him) - TAB - Vehicles - ShopGui - Crates (THIS WILL RETURN IN A LATER UPDATE) - Voting (THIS WILL RETURN IN A LATER UPDATE)
Plugins Added - Brewery - ElectricSpawns (Slimefun Addon) - ExtraGear (Slimefun Addon) - ExtraHeads (Slimefun Addon) - Foxy Machines (Slimefun Addon) - LuckyBlocks (Slimefun Addon) - MobCapturer (Slimefun Addon) - PotionExpansion (Slimefun Addon) - PrivateStorage (Slimefun Addon) - RelicsOfCthonia (Slimefun Addon) - SFCalc (Slimefun Addon) - SFChunkInfo (Slimefun Addon) - SimpleStorage (Slimefun Addon) - SFOreChunks (Slimefun Addon) - SlimeHud (Slimefun Addon) - SlimyTreeTaps (Slimefun Addon) - SMG (Slimefun Addon) - SoundMuffler (Slimefun Addon) - Towny (Land claiming plugin) - VillagerUtil (Slimefun Addon) - Economyshopgui
There is other stuff being worked on in the background which will be implemented at a later date. Please note that it may be possible that i have missed something or forgotten to add, if this turns out to be the case then either message me in-game, or contact me directly in discord use the #bugs channel
THIS IS A FRESH NEW MAP 7000x7000 I have been very lenient in the past versions allowing users to keep there lands, claims, balances, inventories etc but that ends today. (Only thing that i have transferred over is the player vaults) so if you have used them, you will only gain access to /pv 1 (1 row) if your items are in other vaults/rows then you will need to wait until you unlock said vaults. NO EXCEPTIONS)
/SHOP Default users can now re-use the shop with /shop You will gain access to the food, mobs & brewing shops only, other shops are currently being worked and remain hidden from public eyes
SPAWN AREA Do not be a dingbat and build right next to spawn, Anyone who decides to build right next to spawn will have there builds removed without question. Spawn area is still being worked on and new things will be added once completed Crates & Voting will make a return but in a future update.
Only staff for the server is myself & Goku DO NOT: PM any of us with the same question to bypass our answer DO NOT: Beg for items in-game, grind and do the work yourself DO NOT: Accept random tpa requests from new players, if they start attacking you and annoying you then that's on you. THINK before you accept PUBLIC EXP FARMS This will also be returning shortly via a warp, However due to another user breaking the public exp farm on the other server it is clear that i cannot trust users to be left alone so therefore once this is re-created it will either be available on a higher rank, or it will be a time-based perm which will give you access for a short-period of time. Lastly, MY DECISON is final on all matters within the server.
Finally I have been secretly working on this new server for around 2-3 weeks, whilst there is still a lot of work to be done from the inside to expand and improve the server, it is now in stable state and available to you the user. WIKI STUFF All users will be directed to the wiki in-game for answers on how to do something within the server, if the answer you require is not there then you can message myself in the channel on discord stating your question, If this has already been answered on the wiki your question will be removed.