Town Ranks
Commands available per town rank.
Players with no town - NOMAD
/towny map
Shows the towny map
/towny prices
Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town
/towny time
Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
/towny universe
Shows full towny stats, resident/town/nation/world counts as well as townblocks claimed.
/town online
Shows players in your town which are online
/town here
Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.
/town new <townname>
Creates a new town
/town join <townname>
Command to join a town that doesn't require invites
/plot perm
Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands.
/town list
Town display information
/nation list
Nation display information
Shows a player their resident screen
/town spawn (public towns)
Teleports you to your town's spawn
/g chat
Put in from of text to speak in globalchat, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
Default Town Member
All permissions inherit from lower rank
/resident (all features)
Shows a player their resident screen
/plot claim
Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale
/plot unclaim
Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots
/plot forsale
Set a plot for sale
/plot notforsale
Set a plot to not be for sale
/plot toggle (all features)
Plot toggle display information
/plot set perm
Plot set perm display information
/plot set reset
Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot
/town leave
Leaves a town
/town deposit
Adds money from player to the town bank
/town spawn
Teleports you to your town's spawn
/tc (chat)
Put in from of text to speak with members of your town only, or without text afterwards to enter the channel.
All permissions inherit from lower rank Users with this role are tax-exempt.
All permissions inherit from lower rank Users with this role have the ability to build around the town
All permissions inherit from lower rank
/town claim
Mayor command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.
/town invite
Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.
/plot (all features)
Shows the /plot commands.
/town toggle public
Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town's homeblock in the /town screen.
All permissions inherit from lower rank
/town (all features)
Shows a player their town's town screen.
/towny top
Shows towny top display information
All abilities in claimed areas (includes overriding resident switch, build and much more
All permissions inherit from lower rank
/t set mayor
Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.
/n leave
Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.
/t set homeblock
Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
/t invite accept <n>
Accept an invite to join a nation
Last updated