Creating your town
Here is basically a detailed explanation to get started when making your town.
A) - You will need £2500 balance (do /balance, /bal) to create a town. to see how much money you have Around £1000-£10,000 extra for claiming land and initial land upkeep.
B) Funding your town Assuming you have followed A) now we need to fund the town to ensure that it doesn't go bankrupt. Simply type /t deposit <amount> - It is solely down to the user to dictate how much they put into there town bank, however it is recommended to have around £5000-£10000 to get yourself started. This is significantly important because your town will need to pay the daily upkeep based on the amount of members in the town. Daily upkeep is taken at 11pm GMT daily, you can do /towny time to see a countdown. Having money in your town bank is not only for upkeep, it is also used for buying extra claim blocks and claiming chunks. For more information relating to Upkeep click here
C) Claiming extra land Claiming extra land is done on a chunk basis (16x16), to make it a little bit easier for yourself use the chunk visualiser by pressing F3+G or (CMD+F3+G on mac) You can claim as many chunk as your town size permits. take note you will already have 1 claimed as that is your homeblock To start claiming, stand in a chunk next to the one you've just claimed. You have to claim chunks adjacent to another chunk that are already directly connected to your town unless you're making an outpost, this is explained in D) Simply type /t claim in the chunk you're standing in to claim it for your town (this will cost £250 to do each time), and repeat this as many times as you wish. Be sure to have enough money in your towns bank to cover the upkeep costs. If you're unable to claim anymore chunks and you have enough money in your towns bank, there is a high chance you may have reached your town size limit. This can be increased by joining a nation, or buy buying your town bonus plots with /t bonus <amount> these cost an additional £1000 to purchase and a further £500 to claim
D) Outposts If you'd like to claim another area that isn't directly connected to your town, you will have to make an outpost, this is not cheap and costs £10000. Simply stand in the chunk you'd like your outpost plot to be in (the area you'll teleport to) and type /t claim outpost Once this is claimed you can continue claiming around it with /t claim
E) Taxes You may wish to charge your fellow residents tax to help you pay for the upkeep and claiming of your town. There are essentially two options you can choose from for setting tax of a town. First: Is a daily fixed fee which is the same for everyone in the town every 24 hours, you can set this with /t set taxes <amount> Second: Is a percentage of each resident's balance. You can easily enough toggle this by using /t toggle taxpercent but be warned this will most likely discourage people from joining your town. Taxes are taken at the same time as daily upkeep, and residents that cannot afford the tax may be kicked from the town. It is recommended to not tax your residents if they're helping you improve your town, but if you feel the need to tax your resident then the first step is the most common.
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